This standard and simple water pipe gets an elegant, etched on design and soft feel from a quick acid wash. The design left is an assortment of gears and other small pieces of machinery. Lookah's frosted glass is an excellent addition to any kit, durable and easy to upkeep.
9" tall
3.5" base
Single Perc
90° glass on glass 14mm joint
14mm Bowl Included
You are the only place I can find these. Thank you!!!
I purchased from you in the past with no issues. This time Nestor vapeer came complete . I charged it and read directions. started it according to the directions;The vepe light up but didnt purduce any heat whatsoever. Like refund please
I bought two, one for a valentine gift for a friend and yes, one for me.
I love them. They are so cute and functional too. Rasy to use and highly recommended for your best cartridges.
My dad got me one of these as a gift and it lasted for years. Every other battery would break but not this one, and so easy to charge. Can't wait to buy another!
Great products, Great customer service, Fast shipping. 5 stars!
I love them have bought probably 6 of them the buttons fall in after a while.