Wasn’t sure about ordering this because of a previous review. But I watched a few YouTube reviews and took a chance. The unit works flawlessly and the color is cool.
Happy with my little stinger. Heats quickly and draws nice
Great product. Works perfectly. The crushed quartz coil of My old Riggo bowl had turned black and started tasting like burning hair and junk so I had to get a new one and VPS came through in a clutch and I appreciate it. When I can get the money together I might try to either get another one as a backup or buying something else from the site. Thanks again for helping me be able to continue to medicate myself safely and easily.
You are the only place I can find these. Thank you!!!
I purchased from you in the past with no issues. This time Nestor vapeer came complete . I charged it and read directions. started it according to the directions;The vepe light up but didnt purduce any heat whatsoever. Like refund please
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